OFC Fencer Cathy Kelley Achieves No. 2 Rank Nationally

OFC Fencer Cathy Kelley achieves number 2 ranking nationally.
Louisville NAC Produces Two Medals
Olympian is proud of our team who attended the January North American Cup in Louisville, KY this month. Robin Cheong wins gold in Y14 men’s epee and Farrah Lee-El Abd […]
Olympian Fencer McKenna Carpenter Featured in South Texas Stars
McKenna Carpenter was featured in Sunday’s Express News for her bronze medal finish at the North American Cup. The feature focuses on local athletes’ accomplishments in various sports.Congratulations to McKenna, […]
Olympian Fencers Return to San Antonio with Hardware from the North American Cup (NAC)
Olympian Fencing Club took five fencers to the North American Cup in Virginia Beach this month with stunning results. This exciting event offered a great opportunity for all epee fencers […]